Third Eye Chakra- Ajna


The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra. It is located on your forehead between your physical eyes. It connects with our intuition, imagination, creativity, and psychic abilities. It is associated with the color indigo and the element of Light. When this chakra is balanced we feel inspired, have clarity, and trust our inner guidance. When this energy circle is out of balance we can feel like we have “brain fog”, lack imagination, feel disconnected from Source, and may even experience physical eye/forehead pain such as headaches and migraines.


Here are some different methods for third eye chakra balancing and healing. You may repeat as often as you feel necessary.

Affirmations– “I See” affirmations such as, “I see clearly”, “I trust my intuition”, “I am connected to my inner guide ”. Repeat as often as necessary. Preferably with the eyes shut.

Healing Crystals– Use crystals that are indigo in color or that are connected to psychic abilities and intuition such as kyanite, sodalite, amethyst, moonstone, and azurite. Hold them in your hands, keep them in your pockets, or wear them as jewelry.

Aromatherapy– To balance this chakra using aromatherapy, simply roll the oil blend over your third eye and pulse points. Preferred essential oils for this chakra center are lavender, rosemary, clary sage, frankincense, chamomile and pathcouli.

Nutrition Therapy– Focus on foods that are bluish-purple in color such as blackberries, figs, grapes, prunes, raisins, eggplant, purple kale and cabbage, and other purple varieties of vegetables.

Sound Therapy- Chanting the bij mantra, Ksham, sounds of bells and chimes, and a frequency of 426.7Hz, and the key of A. You can easily find these on the internet for instant access.

Visualizations– In a quiet place sit in lotus pose, or criss-cross-applesauce, and take 5 deep cleansing breaths. Then visualize a bright indigo light radiating out from in-between your eyes. Feel the light opening your mind’s eye and strengthening your intuition and clarity. Feel that you are connected to Divine Source. Do this until you feel mentally and spiritually clear.

Color/Art Therapy–  Since the color associated with the third eye chakra is indigo painting, coloring, drawing, etc with colors near indigo can help to balance this chakra center.

Yoga- Poses that use a forward bend are preferred; such as downward dog and child’s pose.

Reflexology– On the hands, massage the middle sections of your first three fingers and the end section of your pinkies. On the feet, massage the outer pad of your big toes in a clockwise motion.
