Esoteric Belief Brief Overview defines esotericism as “the science of the evolutionary process in man and nature — from the energetic and consciousness standpoint. It presents a systematic and comprehensive account of the energetic structure of the universe and of man’s part within it. It is also the art of understanding and working with those energies which emanate from the highest sources”. Everything is made up of energy vibrating at different levels and frequencies. It can be demonstrated that matter and energy are different states of the same reality. Everything is energy and energy can be changed. We can adjust our individual energy and vibrations so that we may operate at a higher frequency congruant with our higher purpose and for the greater good.

“Esotericism postulates that God is the sum total of all the laws, and all the energies governed by these laws, which make up everything in the manifested and unmanifested universe — all that we see and cannot see. Man, in turn, is a spark of God, a spirit expressing itself through its soul; and a personality, composed of a mental body, emotional body, and physical body. Each one of us is essentially divine, but most individuals recognize and demonstrate this divinity only to a limited degree”. – Esoteric philosophy or teachings is the common base amongst all religions.

“Science and spirituality both agree that we live in a multi-dimensional universe, and paranormal phenomena suggest that life exists in these other dimensions. Human beings may be at the top of the evolutionary ladder in our 3-dimensional physical world but a hierarchy of increasingly advanced beings live in dimensions that exist just beyond our normal range of perception. These higher-dimensional beings are omniscient and omnipotent in our physical world, which is how our concept of god originated.” –